"We had a problem with the brakes of the left front tyre. As I understand it the tyre was not fixed properly and therefore had too much play and damaged the brake disc,".
"It started two laps before - I wanted to pit but the next lap it was improving again so the decision was made to keep me out, and then it was too late..."
Actualul campion mondial, Jenson Button,a spus ca victoria lui nu a fost norocoasa, chiar daca Vettel a avut masina mai rapida in calificari, nu ca germanul e mai talentat si mai in forma:).

Fernando Alonso, pilotul echipei Ferrari, ofticat ca nu poate sa treaca de coechipierul Felipe Massa, cere, intr-un Team Radio, echipei de mecanici sa-l cheme pe Massa la boxe ca are probleme cu pneurile, iar cei din echipa tehnica i-au raspuns ca toata lumea are probleme cu cauciucurile. Cred mai mult ca Alonso vroia sa insinueze ca el e liderul echipei si sa-l lase sa treaca, se credea un fel de Schumacher :).